Long Pot Mosbi ol het tisa i het pen tru long inapim dispela  tok bilong Praim Minista na wankain taim tingim tok bilong Nesenel Pandemik Kontrola David Manning long bihainim nupela pasin bilong abrusim sik COVID-19.

POLIS fos bilong kantri i nidim strongpela na stretpela lida long go pas long wok bilong lo na oda.

In the past three weeks, I discussed the unfortunate situation with the lack of space for post-secondary education for majority of our Grade 12 Leavers – over 17,000 of them have no place for further education in 2021.

Dia edita,

Ol skul bai stat gen klostu nau na sik COVID-19 i stap yet wantaim yumi. Olsem na ol skul i mas strongim gen pasin bilong wasim han oltaim,

The first three weeks of January were the most fun-filled and happy yet the busiest weeks that the Melanesian Institute experienced.

Dia edita,

Mi ritim stori bilong ol komyuniti long Buswara ausait long NCD na mi sori tru long ol. Kot i givim ol 120 de long ol i mas lusim dispela graun we ol i sindaun nau bikos em i graun bilong Nambawan Super.

Dia edita,

Yumi stap pinis nau long 2021 na i no gat senis long wei bilong baim skul fi.

Dia edita,

Ren i wok long pundaun nau long Mosbi na i gat planti bagarap i wok long kamap long ol rot insait long siti na ausaut tu long rot i go long Sogeri.